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Madge's Foreign Exchange Blogger Program

Can you believe it?!  I have the proof of my book!  Had to resubmit for a couple changes I wanted to make and it should be ready for sale on in maybe a week!  Yay!  I will keep you all abreast (‘cuz you know I like to show my cleavage) of the situation.

All right, next on the agenda.  I would like to start my own “Madge’s Foreign Exchange Blogger Program”.   Ok “foreign” is relative, you could be from across the street.  But I’d like to have a guest blogger once a week or so.  And as well, ya’ know you could give me a little somethin’ somethin’ and have me as a guest blogger.

So, if you could kindly write a couple 2-3 sentences in the comments below on why I should pick you to be my first guest blogger, I shall pick the most intriguing entry and let you know in the next day or two.  Must act quickly, time limited offer!  Batteries not included.

Ok, next on the agenda it’s another tribute to a Kickstarter backer!  This time we have one Miss Beth Brockett.

Lord I love this girl.  Beth is one of my sorority sisters from Phi Mu at the University of Maine.  In fact Beth is one of the reasons I pledged Phi Mu.  I remember meeting Beth through my friend Janine who I worked at summer camp with.  Janine lived in an apartment with, Jesus Christ I don’t remember like 4,5,6 other girls. lol  Their apartment was like a clown car.  Sometimes I don’t even know who lived there.  They were all seniors and I was a sophomore.

Seriously I’m trying to remember who actually lived there.  Beth who was from Massachusetts (but not your typical Masshole), Janine was from, oh crap now I don’t remember either Mass. or Rhode Island, Laurie from oy either Mass. or CT., and then I remember also Laurie’s illegal immigrant boyfriend from Ireland.  His visa had expired or some such horrible criminal act.  Um, I think maybe Ginny from Maine or Kim from Maine?  I can’t believe the memory is fading, that was 29 years ago now.

Anyway… Beth.  Beth was your quintessential preppy party girl.  An L.L. Bean Norwegian sweater, turtle neck, duck shoes and a beer in hand.  Beth was wicked cool.  Finally I found people like me, preppy by day but digging cool new wave music by night.  I rather enjoyed going over and listening to them crank Band Aid’s “Do They Know it’s Christmas” and screaming along.  But then we could also get down and get funky to Morris Day and the Time’s “Jungle Love” or some Tom Tom Club.

Beth was friends with everyone.  I really admired her.  Just a happy gal.  Guys from the ultra cool fraternity invited her out for drinks and guys from the nerd fraternity invited her for drinks (I don’t think she went though heh).  I wanted to be just like Beth but I somehow couldn’t figure out how to party like a rockstar sorority girl and get good grades like her.

After school we lost touch a little bit but now she is one of my absolute favorites to trade one liners with on Facebook.  I always enjoy her posts of her travels, outings with friends, and her fabulous doggie.  I want to thank Beth a ton for her friendship, sisterhood and support.  LIOB girl!  (secret sorority stuff heh heh)

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter and all that happy horseshit so that I get more contestants for the “Madge’s Foreign Exchange Blogger Program” !   Save “Radio Free Madge”… ok anyone who gets that reference is a winner… or a really nerd.

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