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What's Your Problem with Gays?

It has always baffled me exactly what the reason is that homophobes hate homosexuals.

The first thing people say is, “God says it’s bad, it’s in the bible!  It’s a sin!  It’s an abomination!”

A sin?  Well it’s not one of the Ten Commandments.  And we all know how much conflicting stuff there is in the bible.  Somebody said eating shrimp was an abomination in there too.  You can argue about the meaning of “adultery” whether it’s sex with married people… that you’re not married to, or if it’s sex between any people who are not married to each other (i.e. both single).  If that is the case, why aren’t people out protesting against adulterers?  Why aren’t people banning adulterers from military service, marching in parades, getting medical benefits from each other, or getting married?  Murder and theft are also sins, why aren’t people banning murderers and thieves from getting married and marching in parades?  I know they have trouble with getting jobs and renting apartments sometimes… funny so do my homosexual friends.

OK let’s ignore the “Bible” excuse.  What’s the real problem?  You think it’s gross?  So is 7/8’s of the stuff that goes on in your own bedroom or porn movies and mags.  I’ve had men ask me to do stuff that I think is disgusting… I didn’t go and tell them they can’t get married or adopt kids or visit their loved one on their deathbed.  I say no thanks, not for me and move on.  Did that hurt anybody?  I think perhaps the things they wanted to do to my “exit in the rear” would hurt a lot more than saying “no thanks”.

Fun fact: I know a guy who says he’s not a homophobe because “he has no problem with ‘them’ as long as they leave him alone” and liberally uses the word fag and faggot as a demeaning term… guess what his favorite thing in the world to do with women is?  You guessed it… anal sex!  Explain that one, macho guy…  And one time I asked him what would you do if a gay guy hit on you in a bar, he said he’d punch him in the face.  I then asked what he’d do if a woman whom he wasn’t interested in hit on him, he said he’d politely say “no thank you”.  Wha?!

Let’s not even start with the latent homosexual theory.  I don’t know if it’s that they have homosexual stirrings and are self-loathing and fighting them or they fear if they are friendly toward gays they will some how lose their virility card.  I don’t know, we’ll have to take that up with Dr. Freud another time…

Who gives a shit?  Really?  Seriously?  How does it hurt you?  Don’t give me that marriage integrity crap, that’s gone out the window along time ago with Liz Taylor’s 8th marriage, Newt Gingrich’s 3rd marriage, and Larry King’s 7th marriage.

Some of the people that have enriched my life the most and loved me the most in my life have been gay.  If I was judgmental, look at the joy I would have missed out on?  Not to mention the great hairstyles, floral arrangements, and interior decorating I would have missed!  I’m kidding, I’m kidding, it was a joke!  My gay friends joke about the stereotypes all the time, oy.  As my friend TJ says, “Hey Girl!” is American Gay for “Hello”.  🙂

It just bothers me when people stubbornly stand by principles that are not hurting anybody else.  Who made you judge and jury?  Who made you God?  If there is some problem, God or whatever higher power will judge them.  Maybe there is no judge even?  If there isn’t then who cares?

Live and let live I say.  I’m so tired of people and their damn self-righteous bullshit.  Let he who is without sin cast the first stone… as they say.

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